Smart deals
Invisible Recaptcha Plugin
Protect your forms against spammers and bots with simple and intuitive plugin - Google Invisible ReCaptcha Osclass Plugin. No more tasks to your clien...

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100+ orders
23.99 €
Smart deals
Item Validation Plugin
Osclass plugin Item Validation allows admin to validate all new/edited listing before they will be visible in their classifieds. Item Validation Plugi...

33.99 €
History Logger Osclass Plugin
Plugin store information about listings and users, even these are changed or removed by their owners in order to preserve historical data. Basic stats...

33.99 €
Advanced Moderating Options Plugin
Plugin brings advanced moderation techniques to classifieds admins and allow to moderate listing directly from front or backoffice. Rich features for ...
43.99 €
Content Protection Plugin
Secure content of your classifieds website from competitors those would like to steal/copy text and images from your website, without your permission....

Best seller!
25+ orders
23.99 €
More Edit Osclass Plugin
Looking for more listing management options or to have better control over what is being published on your classifieds and how? Better content control...

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