Repurpose template for Osclass classifieds comes with attractive purple & dark gray design that makes your website easy to remember. Theme also contains ton of different functions, for example top horizontal category navigation menu that is created in purple color and fine-tuned up to latest detail. Browsing with Repurpose theme is very fast, theme itsel...
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Sitemap is essential part not just for classifieds, but for any website that wants to be visible in search engines. Sitemap generator plugin generates sitemap.xml file in root folder with links to essential content of your classifieds: Listings Categories Countries Regions Cities Once sitemap file is created, it is sent (pinged) to most popular search engine...
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PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services instead of your hosting. You will get following benefits using Amazon cloud: No need to have a lot of space on custom server, as content is stored at cloud Better accessibility of your pictures, that means better ...
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LOPD Osclass Plugin makes your classifieds compliant with Spanish law regulation (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal). User will be required to consent your terms and conditions on registration page. Extension is easy to install and does not require theme modifications. Details of LOPD are shown in popup when user c...
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Twitter theme for Osclass is built on Twitter Bootstrap v1.4 and provides very clean and effective layout for classifieds. Theme contains top navigation menu that makes navigation between categories really simple and intuitive. Color scheme used in theme are gray (grayscale) and blue and makes it very universal for different kind of classifieds, especially c...
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Have you ever needed to use different theme based on language on same classifieds? It may sound weird, but there are some cases and business needs that require to use different theme for each language. Let’s have example of RTL language with theme created just for RTL content and then, we have English that is LTR and require different layout positionin...
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Avatar Osclass plugin is great solution for those that require user’s profile picture on their classifieds. Usage of plugin is very simple and modifications required in theme can be handled even by person without Osclass or php knowledge. Nice feature is that user can upload profile picture also while registering. The avatar plugin shows the profile pi...
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Mandrill extension for Osclass enables to use Mandrill mailing services (by MailChimp) to be used to deliver you mails. In case you have problems with delivering your mails, there is big delay while mails are delivered or your mails are coming to spam folder directly, it is better to use external mailing service provider. Mandrill plugin is easy to use and r...
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Would you like to modify or update your breadcrumbs navigation? It could be hard task to modify Osclass core files, you would not be able to update at all. For this purpose, you can use Breadcrumbs plugin for Osclass that generates custom breadcrumb links & navigation. Why is breadcrumb important on classifieds? It provides simple and ultimate way to nav...
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Enhance your Osclass website's security and user experience with the Password Strength Indicator Plugin. This simple tool adds a dynamic color-coded bar to the user registration page, providing instant feedback on password strength. With customizable thresholds and easy-to-configure options, this plugin ensures your users create strong and secure passwords e...
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Tor plugin for Osclass is simply but powerful extension for your classifieds. It’s primary and only functionality is, that visitors coming to your classifieds can only access your website if they use Tor to anonymize their connection details and identity. Addon can be very useful for classifieds websites those require all their customers to be anonymou...
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Extension brings Google Recaptcha Thickbox (v2) to your Osclass classifieds. This increase security of forms on your website significantly and usually drastically reduce spam being generated by spam bots. How does recaptcha works? It simply tracks behavior of visitor and tries to identify if it is real human or not. It also put more validation tests to users...
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