Voting Osclass Plugin
Would you like to enhance your classifieds with ability to give rating on listings or users? This extension can handle both. Voting plugin for Osclass...

5000+ views
Exchange Rate MultiCurrency Plugin
Are you international classifieds and need to show prices in multiple currencies? Check now Exchange Rates Osclas Plugin plugin that will handle these...

31.99 €
Rest API Osclass Plugin
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handl...

53.99 €
26.99 €
Avatar Osclass Plugin
Avatar Osclass plugin is great solution for those that require user’s profile picture on their classifieds. Usage of plugin is very simple and m...

2500+ views
Hooks Manager Plugin
Hooks Manager Plugin for Osclass enables site admin to fully manage functions added to hook. By default it is not possible to order or disable particu...

23.99 €
XML Ad Importer Osclass Plugin
Would you like to move your ads into different Osclass installation or simply want to bring more content to your existing Osclass website? It may be h...

Posted Ago Plugin
Simple plugin to update posted and modified date of listing and change them from standard "date" format into format telling how much time passed from ...

2500+ views
Car Attributes PRO Plugin
Car Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car Classifieds, to bring highly custo...

Best seller!
75+ orders
39.99 €
MailGun Osclass Plugin
You know how important emails in classifieds business are, if you have problems with mail delivery delay, limitation of your server, mails are not bei...

Smart deals
Instant Messenger Plugin
Osclass messenger plugin enchance communication between customer and seller and provides easy way to ask & answer questions before purchase. User ...

Best seller!
500+ orders
33.99 €
Smart deals
Gamma Osclass Theme
Intuitive and user friendly premium osclass theme that provides unique look, deep integration with numerous osclass plugins and easy to use design. Yo...

Best seller!
250+ orders
45.99 €
Smart deals
Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)
Looking to transfer from Flynax or Yclass to osclass, but want to keep your listings as well? Or simply want to feed listings from local or external f...
43.99 €