Alpha Osclass Theme is very intuitive and first theme from our new theme line. It's build completely from scratch that guarantee extremely fast loading time on desktop and mobile devices (75% less css and js). Theme has rich functionality and can be nicely customized from backoffice. Brand new osclass theme We believe Alpha Osclass Theme belongs to next-gene...
41.99 €
Free documentation theme for Osclass classifieds CMS. First and only theme for simple but ultimate docs creation built on Osclass CMS – create documentation, API reference, catalog, knowledge base, website guides, promotions pages or FAQ for your business. Theme for professional documentation DocsBase template comes with following features: Ultimate si...
Free download
Premium classifieds and marketplace theme with excellent design, first-class UX, dark mode support and special features like preferred location. Theme has 30% smaller stylesheets and scripts comparing to similar premium themes that enhance loading time, especially on mobile devices. Ultimate classifieds theme Epsilon theme can be considered as master piece o...
49.99 €
Meta tags management and on-page SEO factors enhancements were never easier! Seo PRO Plugin brings advanced features to manage your meta tags, customize them for every page and get more interactions with your classifieds. Beat your competition To rank on first places in search engines, you need to be better than the competition. Your meta tags must be more a...
33.99 €
Latest version of theme can always be found in latest osclass version First and only one free oc-admin backoffice theme for osclass brings fresh new layout, redesigned navigation menu perfect login page and much more! Free Oc-Admin Osclass Backoffice Theme Easy and intuitive layout turns your osclass backoffice from archaic oc-admin and helps you to manage c...
Free download
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you want to pay to Google for using google maps? We neither, as google recently introduced billing plan for using google map services and ended up free services. To use google api now you have to put your credit card...
33.99 €
Osclass extension that automatically select user's preferred language and change osclass language to new one. Language selector for classifieds Automatic Language Selector Plugin is very simple and intuitive, but for classifieds operating in several countries with multiple locales, this is essential plugin. Plugin does not contain translations or configurati...
Free download
Simple and useful extension of Osclass that generate and display QR code with the URL of listing. When listing has QR code on its page, it is very easy to share it with other people just using QR code. For proper functionality PHP server must have GD extension enabled, so plugin can generate QR code images. What is QR code? A QR code, or Quick Response code,...
Free download
Checking if all strings in your themes, plugins, Osclass core and messages can be properly translated may be incredibly hard work. Using Piglatin plugin for Osclass, this task gets much simpler. Pig Latin helps you to identify all strings those cannot be translated, its algorithm is very simple, it shuffle letter order in words that can be translated. As exa...
Free download
Create responsive mobile friendly blog or news section on your osclass in minute. Osclass Blog Plugin enables to create articles on blog, new users - authors, categories and comments. Osclass Blog - become a blogger on classifieds Overview of Osclass Blog Plugin: Blog articles - Admin or selected users can publish articles with rich options as title, subtitl...
33.99 €
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss about price on listings and submit their own offer. This improves sale of products published on your osclass classifieds and increase value of your site Make offer functionality "Make offer" functionality - allow ...
27.99 €
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize your classifieds with different types of extra fields like checkbox, radio, dropdown, file (picture, document,), vat number, short or long text, url, phone number, email etc. with cool features. Extend user pr...
31.99 €