Saved Items Plugin
Saved Items Plugin enahnce your classifieds with new feature that allows visitors to save their favorite items for later. Plugin works for both logged...

Best seller!
10+ orders
23.99 €
Patricia Free Osclass Theme
Premium osclass theme with unique functionality that helps to get more and more customers. Easy design, fast load speed, plenty of plugins delivered w...
Sofia Osclass Theme
Very simple and easy theme that match to any kind of classifieds, especially for car selling. Provides unique design and fast load that defines good t...

20000+ views
PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)
PWA plugin helps to enable power of PWA on your Osclass and cover key concepts of progressive web apps by generating manifest file (manifest.json, man...

43.99 €
Backoffice Manager Plugin
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, i...
33.99 €
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