Would you like to modify or update your breadcrumbs navigation? It could be hard task to modify Osclass core files, you would not be able to update at all. For this purpose, you can use Breadcrumbs plugin for Osclass that generates custom breadcrumb links & navigation. Why is breadcrumb important on classifieds? It provides simple and ultimate way to nav...
Free download
Let customers define their password to manage listing on Osclass Classifieds CMS. Using this password, listing can be easily updated or removed without need to login or search for edit/delete links in emails. Manage listing via password Item Password Plugin for Osclass let define 2 passwords: user password - defined by user in frontoffice admin password - de...
Free download
Easy to use attributes plugin that generates all relevant car & vehicles properties to be filled by visitor. Great feature is that Make & Model are cascading, so once visitor select make, list of models is updated via ajax. PRO: Make sure to look on professional solution for car attributes - Car Attributes PRO Plugin Easy to install and manage Does n...
Free download
Advanced cookies consent plugin complying with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and LOPD in relation to cookies. Bring your classifieds into compliance with the new guidelines and the recommendation of the CNIL, effective as of March 31, 2021 and last updates of European Law on Cookies (last modifications of the RGPD). Professional Cookies Consent ...
33.99 €
Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds, another one for Real Estate marketplace etc., it is great benefit, if user register on one site, account is created also on another sites. Synchronize user data across different Osclass installations Power of ...
Free download
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (company, has business profile, is in membership group, ...), or listing status (premium, highlighted,..) or simply republish every all listings from oldest one. Plugin belongs to "must have" family of plugin for majo...
23.99 €
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss about price on listings and submit their own offer. This improves sale of products published on your osclass classifieds and increase value of your site Make offer functionality "Make offer" functionality - allow ...
27.99 €
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to differ...
26.99 €
53.99 €
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