Is it time to earn money with your classifieds! Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions. New: payment gatew...
43.99 €
Would you like to give your verified sellers option to create own store - business profile? That's why Business Profile Plugin is there! Turn your classified advert software Osclass into business directory in few seconds, it's never been easier. Business Directory Osclass Plugin Plugin enables every user to create business profile for own brand or company to...
43.99 €
Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass! Invoices for osclass has never been simpler Invoice plugin enable to create invoice in virtual (database) format as well as generate PDF and send it to your client. These are features of plugin: Connect to pay...
33.99 €
Meta tags management and on-page SEO factors enhancements were never easier! Seo PRO Plugin brings advanced features to manage your meta tags, customize them for every page and get more interactions with your classifieds. Beat your competition To rank on first places in search engines, you need to be better than the competition. Your meta tags must be more a...
33.99 €
Sitemap PRO Plugin helps to generate sitemap on small, medium and enterprise classifieds using bulk loads into sitemap files. Plugin also allows to create multiple sitemap files (based on type of content like category, city, ...) and also split item/city sitemap files into several smaller pieces. Besides that, it allows to style sitemap so it's easy to read ...
33.99 €
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to differ...
26.99 €
53.99 €
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (company, has business profile, is in membership group, ...), or listing status (premium, highlighted,..) or simply republish every all listings from oldest one. Plugin belongs to "must have" family of plugin for majo...
23.99 €
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize your classifieds with different types of extra fields like checkbox, radio, dropdown, file (picture, document,), vat number, short or long text, url, phone number, email etc. with cool features. Extend user pr...
31.99 €
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