Manage multiple Osclass installations efficiently. Plugin allows to connect multiple installations of classified ads CMS Osclass and switch between backoffice on different installations just with 1 click - without need to login on other sites. Plugin use one "master" site as repository and central point for other "slave" sites. This means it is needed to kee...
21.99 €
Simple plugin that enables your users to get automatically logged into SMF-powered forums website, when they login to your Osclass. SMF API Bridge SMF Bridge that allows to seamlessly connect your SMF script on top of Osclass insatallation. Requirements: SMF is installed in subfolder of Osclass installation (ie /forums) SMF is installed in same database as O...
Free download
Tor plugin for Osclass is simply but powerful extension for your classifieds. It’s primary and only functionality is, that visitors coming to your classifieds can only access your website if they use Tor to anonymize their connection details and identity. Addon can be very useful for classifieds websites those require all their customers to be anonymou...
Free download
We recommend to use Banner Ads Plugin instead, that is connected to other plugins, provides modern solution for advertisement management and is updated more frequently. Monetize your website with Ads Manager! Now you can create any banner very easily, modify it from plugin settings, follow it's status, views, clicks and send results to your sponsor. Advertis...
27.19 €
33.99 €
Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass! Invoices for osclass has never been simpler Invoice plugin enable to create invoice in virtual (database) format as well as generate PDF and send it to your client. These are features of plugin: Connect to pay...
33.99 €
Web and Mobile Push Notifications are great way to engage your visitors and be able to stay in touch with them. Push Notifications Plugin use great OneSignal API that has free plan and is easy to setup. Push Notifications for Osclass Plugin has simple setup where you can: enable/disable push notifications choose on what page is user prompted for push notific...
23.99 €
Very simple and easy theme that match to any kind of classifieds, especially for car selling. Provides unique design and fast load that defines good theme. Sofia Responsive Osclass theme is design to look very easy and unique, providing perfect functionality to users. Theme is delivered with plenty of plugins to increase it's funcionality. Sofia theme featur...
Free download
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extremely quick and increase conversions of registration on your Osclass classifieds website. Login with Google account Plugin is very simple to use and provide following functionality: Registration - for first time...
33.99 €
Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download for osclass Plugin enables users to share and upload their digital goods on their listing. Osclass can be easily converted into file sharing site with possibility to sell virtual products. Perfect plugin for cl...
27.99 €
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss about price on listings and submit their own offer. This improves sale of products published on your osclass classifieds and increase value of your site Make offer functionality "Make offer" functionality - allow ...
27.99 €
Pixel perfect Osclass theme ready to start any kind of classifieds. Responsive layot ready for mobiles and tables position Starter as one of best permium theme to create and start new classified website based on osclass - now completely FREE of charge! Superb free template for marketplace simple and intuitive design clean boxed view rich configuration parame...
Free download
Ultimate urban style osclass theme Stela with parallax scrolling, responsive design and great functionalities fits to any kind of classifieds. No matter of device (mobile, tablet or desktop), theme looks perfectly. Theme features quick installation parallax scrolling mobile ready, responsive live ajax search that enables to search listings without page reloa...
41.99 €