Yandex Maps Plugin for Osclass is easiest way to get Yandex map on your listing page. Extension shows your listing on map as marker, no theme modifications are required as map is shown on ad page via hooks on locations section of item. Extension only require entering API key from Yandex.Maps service, please check their documents for details about pricing and...
Free download
Would you like to modify or update your breadcrumbs navigation? It could be hard task to modify Osclass core files, you would not be able to update at all. For this purpose, you can use Breadcrumbs plugin for Osclass that generates custom breadcrumb links & navigation. Why is breadcrumb important on classifieds? It provides simple and ultimate way to nav...
Free download
Bender Osclass Theme has been used for years as default theme for Osclass from version 3.3 up to version 4.0, it has inspired many developers those created new themes based on bender. Template design is simple and intuitive, easy to read and theme is completely responsive, so it adjust to any device size – desktop, tablet or mobile. Colors are selected...
Free download
Premium classifieds and marketplace theme with excellent design, first-class UX, dark mode support and special features like preferred location. Theme has 30% smaller stylesheets and scripts comparing to similar premium themes that enhance loading time, especially on mobile devices. Ultimate classifieds theme Epsilon theme can be considered as master piece o...
49.99 €
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to differ...
26.99 €
53.99 €
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you want to pay to Google for using google maps? We neither, as google recently introduced billing plan for using google map services and ended up free services. To use google api now you have to put your credit card...
33.99 €
Fresh and clean osclass premium theme created as "best-of-best" from our experience, where we took most useful functionality from other themes and put all of them into one great template for osclass. Super fast osclass theme Beta osclass theme is build on alpha theme framework and belongs to our new generation of themes. Beta brings brand new functions into ...
41.99 €
Premium osclass theme with unique functionality that helps to get more and more customers. Easy design, fast load speed, plenty of plugins delivered with theme, those all defines perfect theme. Patricia Responsive Osclass Theme is revolutionary in terms of functionality. Theme changes some of rarely used elements into very powerful parts of classifieds. Grea...
Free download
Premium osclass responsive theme for free with smart functions to bring best experience to users. Tatiana Free Osclass Responsive Premium theme belongs to one that defined standards with osclass themes, brought ton of new functions that are not available in other themes and provided eye-catching design that will be remembered by every user. Smart location se...
Free download
Free documentation theme for Osclass classifieds CMS. First and only theme for simple but ultimate docs creation built on Osclass CMS – create documentation, API reference, catalog, knowledge base, website guides, promotions pages or FAQ for your business. Theme for professional documentation DocsBase template comes with following features: Ultimate si...
Free download
Create responsive mobile friendly blog or news section on your osclass in minute. Osclass Blog Plugin enables to create articles on blog, new users - authors, categories and comments. Osclass Blog - become a blogger on classifieds Overview of Osclass Blog Plugin: Blog articles - Admin or selected users can publish articles with rich options as title, subtitl...
33.99 €
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