Auto-Renewal Plugin
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (compan...
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21.99 €
Google Maps Osclass Plugin
Would you like to show location of your listings on map? Why not to use most popular Google Maps API to do that! Google Maps Osclass Plugin use most f...
Cookie Consent Osclass Plugin
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD:
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25.99 €
Yandex Metrica Osclass Plugin
Yandex Metrica Plugin for Osclass enables to use Yandex.Metrica services to measure traffic on your classifieds as well as much more different key per...
1000+ views
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Make Offer Plugin
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss abo...
25.99 €
Osclass GDPR Plugin
Prepare your osclass for upcoming EU data regulation - General Data Protection Regulation, that will take effectivity from 25. May 2018. The GDPR - Ge...
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100+ orders
25.99 €
Item Limits Osclass Plugin
Setup limit on how many listings can publish different users on your site. Item Limits Plugin allows you to simply define how many ads can single user...
21.99 €
Account Synchronization Osclass Free Plugin
Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds,...
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Car Attributes PRO Plugin
Car Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car Classifieds, to bring highly custo...
37.99 €
Rest API Osclass Plugin
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handl...
51.99 €
25.99 €
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