Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Banners & Advertisement Plugin

33 .99€
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Are you going to offer space for banners on your osclass classifieds software? Banners & Advertisement Plugin is right osclass plugin for you to help monetize your site and earn money easier.

Do not miss: Major update v2.0 brings complete redesign of plugin backoffice, so now it is even easier to manage your banners and adverts!

Banner Ads osclass plugin allows you to easily create and manage advertisement (banners) on your site. You can create different types of adverts that fits all your needs: HTML advert, Image advert and Adsense advert. This helps you to monetize your classifieds more effeciently and earn money from advertisement.


Is basic element of this osclass plugin. There are 3 types of advertisements:

  • HTML - for advert based on HTML code
  • Image - for advert based on image
  • Adsense - for advert based on Adsense code or any javascript-type ads

On advert you can define client key that allows your client to watch their adverts. You can define also on-click URL that helps you to follow click statistics of adverts. Next you can specify price for 1 click, price for 1 view and budget. When budget is spent, advert is not visible in front. It is possible to specify also expire data - after this date advert is not active anymore and categories in those advert will be visible (category check is done on search page only).


Banner is placeholder / container / hook for adverts. First you create advert, when done, you want to show it in your theme. For this purpose you create banner and to banner you add 1 or more adverts. Each banner can show adverts differently:

  • Show all adverts - shows all adverts added to banner at once (.e. if you have 3 adverts, all are shown)
  • Rotate adverts - only 1 advert is shown at same time and adverts are rotating (with fade effect). In plugin settings you can define ticker and slide speed for banners (i.e. each advert is shown for 5 seconds and change to next banner in 1 second)
  • Show 1 random advert - only 1 advert is shown at same time, each time it is random one from all adverts linked to banner

When banner is created, you want to show it in your theme/front. To do this, you define custom hook, add banner to this hook and to your theme files (on place where you want to show banner) you place code.

Hooks and initial plugin setup

Hooks are final element required to show advert. First you define name of your hook in plugin settings. When done, you are going to show it in front. To do this, add to your theme files following code:

<?php if(function_exists('ba_hook')) { ba_hook('my_custom_hook'); } ?>

Where you replace my_custom_hook with name of hook you have defined.

Banner Ads Plugin cooperates with Osclass Pay Plugin that allows to fully automatize payments for banner's budget.

Product features and functionality

Basic documentation included
Require theme modifications
Require CSS/JS/HTML skills
Require PHP skills
Add front office functionality
Use hooks for theme integration
Coding skills recommended
Recommended for advanced osclass users
Advanced installation (need more skills)
No dependency on 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 17 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (535 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

2.1.0 Numerous enhancements to plugin.
It is now possible to select category and all subcategories.
Enahncements on advert edit page.
2.0.9 Improvements to user interface, added more tips and validations.
2.0.8 Small rework on "advertise here" button functions.
2.0.7 Fixed banner click counter - was not counting after last update.
2.0.6 Fixed security issue that allowed to manipulate with redirect URL of advert
2.0.5 Fixed small bug in backoffice
2.0.4 Fixed bug with adverts assignment to banners (where only active adverts were included).
2.0.3 Critical update for correct functionality for integration within themes.
2.0.2 Improvements for seamless integrations into themes.
2.0.1 Added support to banner show function to echo or not echo results (for Epsilon theme support).
2.0.0 Plugin name changed to Banners & Advertisement Plugin.
backoffice design has been completely changed.
banners and advertisement management is much easier now.
added new tips and notices into plugin so it is easy for newcomers to setup the plugin.
removed redundant and unnecessary styles & scripts from back-office (removed Open-Sans font at all).
front-office styles and scripts has been removed and merged directly into code (due to low size) in order to negate impact of plugin on website
1.1.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.0.8 Enhancements in backoffice
1.0.7 Now adverts those exceed budget or expiration are correctly hidden
1.0.6 fixed issue with category restriction
1.0.5 updated product key
1.0.4 initial version
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Product rating: 3.0 - Good, based on 6 reviews

Difficult by Worl on 18. Sep 2024

1.0 - Awful
Not recommended

Very Good Plug-In by Stan T on 19. Sep 2023

5.0 - Excellent
This 2.0.5 version is a very good plug-in as it simplifies the back-office administration. The Pros: Once you get past the learning curve - the rest is pretty easy. The placement of the Hooks in the Theme files is cut-and-paste then edit the Hook name. Its that simple. The Cons: Documentation is a little wanting about HowTo use- so there is a small learning curve. Plug-In Recommendations: When selecting and using the Image Advert it would be nice if one image was not used for all 4 viewports. Instead it would be helpful if different size images could be used for each of the 4 different viewports. This way the image sizes for each viewport could be better handled when implementing this setting. One more thing, it would be helpful to have an able/disable switch in admin console to turn-on/turn-off the Banner with one click. Last word: Buy this Plug-In - its well worth the money for the headaches that it solves with Banners and Advertising on your site.

Excellent solution by Peter Hallas on 30. Jul 2022

4.0 - Very good
Brilliant plug-in. The only thing is that the placement of hook in the theme requires a bit of basic html skills.

Veery Goods by yvelef on 2. Feb 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Wonderful Scripts

Review by Adewale Awodeyi on 11. Jul 2020

3.0 - Good
Advantages: 1. Author has cultivated the habit of good response for help. He was there to help 2.The software is good apart from two limitation below 3. Setup is very easy Disavantages: 1. User cannot create advert automatically 2. Difficult to set up link for image on click if your link based on unfriendly URLs
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks Adewale for your feedback, make sure to check major updates of version 2.0 those brings easier adverts/banners management wink

difficult to setup by Nwaeze David on 21. Aug 2019

2.0 - Not very good
i've been trying to setup this plugin on my site and nothing is working... Users cannot even create adverts automatically which was why i bought this plugin in the first place
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello, Thanks for your feedback. Users can submit own banners just in connection with Osclass Pay Plugin - as it's advertisement and must be paid.

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Single Domain License
3.0 - Good Based on 6 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

303 orders
17 updates
Product version: 2.1.0
Last update: 2 months ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 3 of 5 - Good
Published on: 16. Nov 2017
Folder name: banner_ads