Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extremely quick and increase conversions of registration on your Osclass classifieds website. Login with Google account Plugin is very simple to use and provide following functionality: Registration - for first time...
33.99 €
Are you going to offer space for banners on your osclass classifieds software? Banners & Advertisement Plugin is right osclass plugin for you to help monetize your site and earn money easier. Do not miss: Major update v2.0 brings complete redesign of plugin backoffice, so now it is even easier to manage your banners and adverts! Banner Ads osclass plugin...
33.99 €
Car Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car Classifieds, to bring highly customizable vehicle related attributes & properties, but not just that…! Plugin can easily handle Real-Estate, Product or Jobs attributes. Advanced search box with attributes can be placed easily to home...
39.99 €
Cache plugin for Osclass Classifieds generates static html files from your dynamic Osclass website. Basically without plugin when any page is rendered, php and mysql are used and osclass executes all required functions and queries to render website. This require server RAM and CPU and decrease performance of Osclass (more plugins and listings are active, slo...
33.99 €
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you want to pay to Google for using google maps? We neither, as google recently introduced billing plan for using google map services and ended up free services. To use google api now you have to put your credit card...
33.99 €
SMS Notification and Verification Osclass Plugin allows visitors to verify their phone numbers via SMS on their osclass account or listing as well as receive SMS notifications from classifieds. Phone number verification via SMS Customers on your osclass classifieds will need to verify phone number used on account registration as well as when new listing is p...
33.99 €
Advanced cookies consent plugin complying with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and LOPD in relation to cookies. Bring your classifieds into compliance with the new guidelines and the recommendation of the CNIL, effective as of March 31, 2021 and last updates of European Law on Cookies (last modifications of the RGPD). Professional Cookies Consent ...
33.99 €
Osclass plugin that enables your users to rate buyers / sellers and leave feedback, registered and non-registered users as well. Rating functionality Each user can get rank based on average rating, rating count and days from registration. Admin can specify these levels. There are 4 types of rank: Superhero Captain Conqueror Novice Each rating consist of over...
27.99 €
Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass! Invoices for osclass has never been simpler Invoice plugin enable to create invoice in virtual (database) format as well as generate PDF and send it to your client. These are features of plugin: Connect to pay...
33.99 €
Reduce your server cost and increase scalability with S3 Image Cloud Storage Plugin! Would you like to optimize images on your classifieds and use image format of 21st century? WebP Generator Plugin for Osclass classifieds helps you to optimize size of your images, improve loading speed of your site for customers and defacto improves user experience. WebP Im...
39.99 €
WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admins can use it to create site contact button. WhatsApp Chat Button for Sellers Enhance and fasten communication between buyers and sellers. It is key element for classifieds, to make ability of customers/buyers ...
33.99 €
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss about price on listings and submit their own offer. This improves sale of products published on your osclass classifieds and increase value of your site Make offer functionality "Make offer" functionality - allow ...
27.99 €