LOPD Osclass Plugin makes your classifieds compliant with Spanish law regulation (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal). User will be required to consent your terms and conditions on registration page. Extension is easy to install and does not require theme modifications. Details of LOPD are shown in popup when user c...
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Follow users on osclass classifieds website using Followers Plugin for Osclass. This extension helps you to have better user experience on your classifieds, as sellers will try to provide best possible service to maximize number of followers and buyers may follow one or more favorite sellers. Followers and Following users Followers addon allows users to foll...
33.99 €
Infinite Scroll Plugin for Osclass improve user experience and your theme UI and provide more essential way to load new listings on search page. Infinite scrolling - no pagination Scroll plugin replace standard pagination on search page and load new items using ajax each time visitor hits bottom of search page. automatically load items when user reaching bot...
23.99 €
WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admins can use it to create site contact button. WhatsApp Chat Button for Sellers Enhance and fasten communication between buyers and sellers. It is key element for classifieds, to make ability of customers/buyers ...
33.99 €
Advanced cookies consent plugin complying with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and LOPD in relation to cookies. Bring your classifieds into compliance with the new guidelines and the recommendation of the CNIL, effective as of March 31, 2021 and last updates of European Law on Cookies (last modifications of the RGPD). Professional Cookies Consent ...
33.99 €
PWA plugin helps to enable power of PWA on your Osclass and cover key concepts of progressive web apps by generating manifest file (manifest.json, manifest.webmanifest), service workers and setting up meta data used when generating application. PWA largest benefit is in ability to generate native applications based on website for Google Play Store, iOS App S...
43.99 €
Are you employer, looking for long-term recruitment or just creating brand new Jobs & Hiring board? CareerJob theme for Osclass will do the "job"! Take a look on lightweight, fast and eye-catching template. Osclass Jobs Board, Job seeker, Employment CareerJob theme is tailored for hiring and all functionalities are accomodated to this purpose. ultra fast...
41.99 €
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to differ...
26.99 €
53.99 €
Free documentation theme for Osclass classifieds CMS. First and only theme for simple but ultimate docs creation built on Osclass CMS – create documentation, API reference, catalog, knowledge base, website guides, promotions pages or FAQ for your business. Theme for professional documentation DocsBase template comes with following features: Ultimate si...
Free download
Plugin brings advanced moderation techniques to classifieds admins and allow to moderate listing directly from front or backoffice. Rich features for easy moderation Advanced Moderating Options Plugin helps admin to manage content on their classifieds website, change status of listing, notify listing owners,remove/block unwanted content or users and much mor...
43.99 €
Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features. Engage your customers with reminders Plugin engage your users to work with your classifieds and perform different actions. There are 16 helpful reminder not just for users, but for site admin as well. Customers reminders 13 ema...
21.99 €
Let customers define their password to manage listing on Osclass Classifieds CMS. Using this password, listing can be easily updated or removed without need to login or search for edit/delete links in emails. Manage listing via password Item Password Plugin for Osclass let define 2 passwords: user password - defined by user in frontoffice admin password - de...
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