Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Admin toolbar in front

Admin toolbar in front-office

Administrators those often browse site to validate content knows it is time consuming activity and osclass never had good tools to handle this.

New admin toolbar will make it much easier!


Enable admin toolbar

By default, toolbar is hidden. To enable it, simply go to Oc-admin > Users > User settings:

Classifieds script osclass - admin toolbar

Once you are on settings page, click on "Enable admin toolbar in front" and then "Save changes" button to update settings.

Classifieds script osclass - admin toolbar settings


Toolbar features

Admin toolbar is now enabled. It is of course visible only to logged-in administrator.

Classifieds script osclass - admin toolbar features


Features of toolbar:

  • link to backoffice
  • link to user profile, if admin is logged in as user
  • link to edit listing, if admin is browsing listing
  • link to edit page, if admin is browsing static page
  • link to logout from backoffice
  • list of all notifications (new comment, listing marked as spam, new update, ...)
  • toolbar is completely responsive and looking nicely on mobile / tablet / desktop