Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Osclass v4.0 released

Osclass v4 released, new era of classfieds is there

It has been some time already original osclass team stopped to release new versions and, unfortunately, community did not do good job as well. It is almost year there was last community release of osclass (v3.9) with just very small steps forward. There were created other branches of osclass those, again unfortunately, are just unprofessional attempt to somehow enhance osclass itself. So we put a lot of effort into something great...

Today, we are proud to say OsclassPoint team has released first Osclass released powered only and only by our team. We've decided to do next step in osclass & classifieds era and to bring osclass into next decade. You are definitely looking for information what is new and if it is worth to update... yes it is!

Download osclass v4.0


New default front-office theme Sigma

6 years ago, bender theme has been created and noone ever touched this theme. We've taken bender engine, simplified it and completely redesign bender theme into Sigma. Objective of this theme is not to be ultimate for everything with never seen functionality and design, instead it's lightweight theme with just minimum of styling and javascript to be great start for new classified websites as well as great start for new themes to be created.

Sigma theme will work only on osclass 4.0 and higher, as it use functions those were not available in osclass v3.9 and before.

Download sigma theme


New default back-office theme Omega

Few months ago we've release our first (and actuall first and only one backoffice osclass theme) called Omega for free. All feedback we've received was collected and Omega was redesigned into v2.0, inspired by wordpress and it's intuitive backoffice. Everything has been redesigned starting on login page, user sidebar menu, inputs, select boxes, backgrounds... And it was worth, working in oc-admin with Omega theme provides much better experience.

As original osclass backoffice theme (called modern) was not updated since 2010, it was time to do next step! Note that omega backoffice theme v2.0 will work just on osclass 4.0 and higher.

Download omega theme


New installation design

Same story as before... it was time to update installation process design that is matching to Sigma theme (independent) and provides much better experience when performing osclass installation

Checkout new installation layout


New osclass home page

You might notice new osclass home page has been created to group-up osclass "only" related stuff into one place.

Open osclass home


New features in osclass

There are basic updates in script itself those were requested by community for years, but nothing was delivered yet:

  • New fields on listings: phone number, show/hide phone number, other contact field (i.e. whatsapp)
  • New fields on categories: icon, color
  • PHP 7.4 compatibility fixed
  • Image upload/processing feature: "best crop"
  • New front office theme
  • New backoffice theme

You are curious what "best crop" means? it simply crop maximized center area from image, keeping osclass media settings aspect ratio, but not adding any white spaces/transparent backgrounds into generated thumbnails.

Checkout osclass demo


Hope you like our work ;)