Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Cache! Improve osclass speed

Cache plugin for Osclass is there! We have just released Cache Osclass Plugin that helps you to improve speed of your osclass classifieds.

  • perfect for websites with lot of listings/users and a lot of plugins activated
  • generates static html files for each site / combination of parameters and reuse these files for other visitors
  • auto-renewal and auto-purge of cache options available
  • cache for logged-in users available as well

So how does it work? It's very simple at all, when you open i.e. home page, at very beginning plugin checks if cache is generated for your request.

  • if yes, html cache file is shown and execution of script stopped
  • if no, html cache file is generated and shown on next load

This is perfect solution in case you use plugin that i.e. has a lot of queries to database to get all the data or your server is not performing too well. To optimize site even more, plugin provides option to gzip and compress cache files to reduce space on server as well as size of request that leads to faster rendering. Better load speed == faster site == better seo == more visitors == more income.

Feel free to test plugin on our demo sites!

View osclass cache plugin