We are regulary watching our osclass competitors about new products and features to ensure OsclassPoint - MB Themes products are simply best. Recently we've noticed there is new plugin on osclass market called Phone Number Login Osclass Plugin.
Features provided by this plugin are:
... yes that's all, not too much what you think? We though same and in 2 hours created similar plugin with even better functionality:
This looks to be more complete solution and in our point of view such simple plugin should be definitelly for FREE. So forget about paying for something, that is not even best and better osclass plugin can be found for free at osclasspoint! We really appreciate each feedback/review on this plugin.
View free phone number login plugin
In december we've been contacted by our regular customer (thanks for sponsoring this plugin) with need of CDN plugin for osclass - to use Content Delivery Network service to decrease loading time for its visitors. This customer needed something very simple to use:
Few days later CDN plugin has been created and works perfectly, it's modified version is used at OsclassPoint.com as well. Plugin works only with CDN services those does not require to copy your content into their servers like KeyCDN.com, StackPath, Fastly, ... Our favorite is KeyCDN as you do not pay any monthly fee, there is 1 month for free trial and after this trial you just buy credit for i.e. $50 and use it for 1 year - simple, cheap and powerful.