Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

How to translate locations in Osclass 4.1

Location translations into native language

Latest major release of Osclass brings ability to translate language into native form. This may be especially beneficial in case you use different alphabet on site (english/russian, english/arabic, english/japan, ...).

Translate location

Go to Oc-admin > Settings > Locations:

Osclass locations setting


Click on country, region or city to open edit pop-up window. Here you can define native name for location:

Classifieds script osclass - translate location


Once you've entered native name, click on submit button (Edit city / Edit region / Edit country) to save your changes.

Your location now has it's native name in native language.


Enable native name selected languages/locales

You've already translated locations to have native name. By default this is not shown and must be enabled for particular languages. As above example shows, we are translating locations into Russian native naming, it does not make sense to show it in native form for visitors having english language selected, it make sense to show it only to visitors having Russian language active.

Go to Oc-admin > Settings > Languages

Classifieds script osclass - change language

Click on edit button for language you want to enable native location names:

Classifieds script osclass - manage languages


Check "Native location names" and press Save button:

Classifieds script osclass - language native location name

Preview translated locations

Now go to your site (front). In English, location names will not be changed. In Russian, it will show native name.


Classifieds script osclass - location in english

Now switch your language to Russian and refresh page.


Classifieds script osclass - location in russian


We've translated city "Aleyskiy Rayon" into "Алейский район".

Note that locations without native name will show original name, so you may translate just several cities/locations and rest keep empty to use their original name.

Specific theme functions might need update to properly show native name, if it exits.

Please take a look on integration guide:
Location translation integration guide