Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Best Social Login Plugin for Osclass

Osclass Social Login? Best one is authenticate osclass plugin!

Best social login osclass plugin is there and now it's time to introduce this plugin and explain several decissions.


Why we developed authenticate plugin just now?

For long time there were many osclass login plugins for different social networks - paid or free, so there was no reason to develop such plugin yet. However, as most of you might noticed there is not too many good and stable osclass developers (1-2-3?) those would provide high-quality plugins at same time with long term support. Reading reviews on these plugins we've realized most of them are probably not functional and their authors does not update API to latest provider standards. It's not easy and brings a lot of work, especially most of free plugins went to trash as were completely not usable.

Time goes, standard are updated, new requirements and modifications are required, we've got into these issues as well... if you remember:

It's ton of work to do it and for free plugins - noone usually cares. But we do! And we has updated these plugins for you.

These are 2 plugins, but what if you want to integrate Twitter login, Instagram, Paypal, .... and more others? If each provider SDK would be integrated, there is 95% that in half year at least 1 provider would not work anymore - so we've decided to use login API and put this kind of maintenance to someone else, that cares just about these details - OneAll.com


OneAll is just one provider, why not different social login provider?

It was hard decission, first after OneAll service comes probably HybridAuth service, but.... We've been using OneAll.com from time mb-themes.com has been developed (7-8 years ago) and from that time there has never been single issue with OneAll service, and what is most important - they never charge as single dollar for all these years.

What we see as small negative is little oldish look of login icons and required "Powered by" link in free program, but all these "issues" dismiss if you upgrade to basic plan, so let's look on plans:

  • Freemium - 0$ / month - will be used by most of users, provides 35 social networks, 2500 unique users per year and 5 domains
  • Starter - 8$ / month - ideal for larger classifieds, allow you to use custom login icons and removes "Powered by" link. 4000 unique users per year, 10 domains.
  • Standard / Advanced - for large classifieds, higher limits and pricing


Plugin installation and initial setup

As plugin use service, on osclass side after installation only 1 setup is required - to connect plugin to your OneAll account. Then networks connection is defined directly on OneAll.com side and what is great here is that they provide detail tutorials with screenshots on how to create API keys for yeach service provider. These tutorials are also very up-to-date!

Grab your copy of plugin and do it now ;)


Supported social login providers

Amazon, Battlenet, Blogger, Discord, Disqus, Draugiem, Dribbble, Facebook, Foursquare, Github, Google, Instagram, Line, Linkedin, Livejournal, Mail.ru, Meetup, Odnoklassniki, Openid, Paypal, Pinterest, Pixelpin, Reddit, Skyrock, Soundcloud, Stackexchange, Steam, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, Vimeo, Vkontakte, Weibo, Windows.live, Wordpress, Yahoo, Youtube