Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Osclass 8.1.0 Major Release - 2023 Classifieds Update

Next level classifieds software

Last year was extremely hard, as there has been a lot going on in the world, extreme price rising, problems to find developers, war, ... Even it was complicated, our team is bringing you super huge update that not only fix minor issues, but integrates most wanted features ever requested by community, improvements in cache, documentation updates, removal of useless features and more and more and more...

We will only review most important features, full list is in changelog and covers tens and tens of different topics.

Download Osclass Classifieds Script 8.1.0

Support for PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2

Osclass now support both PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2. At same time, minimum version required to run Osclass is moved from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2, this was caused by updating dependent libraries. All libraries should also support PHP 8.1 and 8.2.

New cache options

Cache options available in Osclass has been reviewed and new option (thanks to community) has been added - Memcache and Redis (beta). Osclass now supports APC, APCu, Redis, Memcache and Memcached options. Besides new cache options, we've fixed reporting of cache statistics those are now available in same format as database logs - visible to administrator only at bottom of page, when OSC_CACHE_DEBUG is defined to true.

Next, many additional queries has been added into cache mechanism and fixed several queries those used wrong key.

Multisite removed

Multisite feature has been removed from Osclass completely. We do not expect anyone use it, as this feature was bugged for some time and did not make much sense at all. Fixing of this feature in way it was designed might be very complicated and final result would not bring enough benefits.

Subdomains improvements

New subdomain type has been added - Language based subdomains. Top domain can now be turned into landing page for subdomains.

Country based subdomains
It is now possible to automatically redirect visitors to country based subdomains, using their IP info and geoplugin.com service. It is now possible to restrict country based subdomain to be accessible just from same country (i.e. Poland subdomain from Poland).

Besides these, we've added a lot of new functions to support subdomain features and redesigned subdomains core. Fixed also item URLs those should not contain duplicated information those are already in subdomain part. Documentation page has been updated and now contains much more details how to setup & configure subdomains on various hostings.

Language code in URL

Language code can be added into "base url" so all pages can contain language code. Short (en, cz, de, ...) or Long (en-us, cz-cs, ar-sy) version can be selected. When using short version, it is required to make sure there are not 2 languages starting with same letters (like en-us & en-gb) as it will not work for 2nd one. Only works with Friendly URLs enabled. Works with all themes and plugins without need of modifications, until links are static (not using osclass function to get base url).

This feature is in beta phase and might cause some issues, test well before using on production website.

Built-in translations manager

It's not required to use any tool to translate Osclass core, themes or plugins into different language! You can now manage all translations from backoffice, using brand-new translation manager.

Osclass translation manager

Translate osclass core in backoffice

Supported functions:

  • Translate PO (MO) files directly from backoffice.
  • Create new PO (MO) files.
  • Update or create PO (MO) files from source code.
  • Copy (merge) translations between different translation catalogs.
  • PO file in browser, search for translations on market.
  • Download translations catalog as ZIP archive.
  • Send (share) translations catalog with Osclass team & community by one click. Only complete translations can be shared.
  • Remove translations catalog.
  • Translations catalog statistics, comments, code references, flags (fuzzy/need work) and completeness.

We put hundreds of hours to bring this feature into Osclass, but it does not mean it is perfect and in many cases it may be simply more convenient to use poedit tool or similar.

Reply to comment

Comment replies are now possible! You can enable them in comment settings. Note that themes may not support this feature until explicitly stated it's supported.

Osclass comment replies

Replies comes with following features:

  • Admin can enable comment replies for everyone, logged-in users, listing owners or only admins.
  • Rating can be disabled on comment replies.
  • In backoffice, comments section has been sligtly redesigned, into table has been added comment title, listing link has been separated from user, added columns "Is reply to comment" and "Has replies".
  • In backoffice, admin can filter listing comments based on their parent comment, new actions has also been added to quick action menu.
  • Comment reply is brand-new feature, theme modifications are required in order to make it work (check blog/docs for implementation).


Other important updates

  • Limit number of ratings one user can leave on one listing
  • Static page visibility options (Visible to anyone, only to logged in users, only to personal users, only to company users, only to admins or page is not visible to anyone)
  • Admin menu elements has been reshuffled, new group International added (where Currency & Languages has been moved from Settings under International)
  • Latest searches can now be filtered, new feature to define banned words has been added
  • Added country flags into oc-includes/images folder in dimension auto x 48px (all images has same height)
  • "Mark listing as" can now be completely disabled in Listing settings
  • Item URL now contains much more keywords
  • All javascript libraries updated to latest available
  • Fixed long-term issue with "remember me" option when login, that expired after few hours or days. Now login should persists up to 3 years.
  • Static pages table & Email templates table in backoffice has been redesigned
  • Child themes now supports functions_child.php
  • Flashmessages in backoffice slightly redesigned to better reflect their status
  • Cookies core model redesigned, fixing numerous issues with cookies
  • Improvements with auto-upgrade, new helper functions, updated documentation, new filters and hooks and much more.


Read full osclass changelog.