Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Facebook Login Settings

It's so easy to setup facebook authenitfication on your site, let's start!


Facebook Login Plugin for Osclass

1) Create new app for login on your website, choose WEB application and enter required information there:

2) Install Facebook Login Plugin, setup all the keys:

3) In Settings > Basic, fill out all the fields. You can get there your App ID and Secret key for facebook login plugin.

Facebook Login for Osclass - Basic settings


4) In Settings > Advanced, select API version to v2.12, set Native or Desktop app to "No" and in Security box select all to "No"

Facebook Connect for Osclass - Advanced settings

5) Go to Products > Facebook Login > Settings and set following:

  • Client OAuth Login - Yes
  • Web OAuth Login - Yes
  • Enforce HTTPS - Yes - note that you should have SSL certificate installed for your site, otherwise functionality of login cannot be guaranteed.. it's 2018 already ;)
  • Force Web OAuth Reauthentication - No
  • Embedded Browser OAuth Login - No
  • Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs - Yes - cannot be changed to No from 2018
  • Valid OAuth Redirect URIs - https://yoursite.com/fblauth-1/ - make sure you have Friendly URLs enabled
  • Login from Devices - No
  • No other settins are required

Facebook Login for Osclass - App settings


Hope you got it working now.

Facebook login osclass plugin


Note: If you get error message after facebook login: "Incorrect data returned from facebook: {}", it means you have limitations/restrictions in access level for email. Check this facebook docs for more details: 