Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Seo PRO Classifieds Plugin

Seo PRO Plugin helps to manage meta title, description and "Seo text" on your website with ease, create unique tags those attract customers and customize tags for specific combination of parameters (ie. one city on search).

This article is focused to explain how to work with plugin and understand it's features. It will be updated based on questions from customers.


Search page tags - what they means and how they works

There are many tabs on Search page those specify current location of user. Plugin always consider following search parameters: pattern, category, country, region, city. Based on which of these are empty and which are not, location of user (and usage of tab-specific configuration) is identified.

  • Pattern - pattern defined, all other params are empty
  • Category - category defined, all other params are empty
  • Country - country defined, all other params are empty
  • Region - region defined, all other params are empty
  • City - city defined, all other params are empty
  • Country + Catg. - country & category defined, all other params are empty
  • Region + Catg. - region & category defined, country ignored, all other params are empty
  • City + Catg. - city & category defined, country & region ignored, all other params are empty
  • Pattern + Catg. - pattern & category defined, all other params are empty
  • Default - none of above match


Custom search rules

All above rules can be more-less recreated using custom search rules. You basically get URL-structured parameters from search URL and can use wild cards * and $ to expand rule.


Custom tags - Country, Region, City, Category, Page

Here you can define fancy tags for Categories, Cities etc... Most of keywords are available also here (even not listed).

What is most important here is, that defining custom tag in this section for category or city does not mean that city or category page will automatically use it!

You still must add custom tag in "Tags structure" section into configuration! Means you must drag & drop these on Search rules.

Some examples of custom tags on search structure:

  • Category custom title
  • Category custom description
  • Category custom text
  • Country/Region/City/Page custom title
  • Country/Region/City/Page custom description
  • Country/Region/City/Page custom text


Position Seo Text based on your needs

When you want to place seo text on other place then default footer position, disable "Auto-hook Seo Text" in Configure section and place following code anywhere you like:

<?php osc_run_hook('footer_seo_pro'); ?>