Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Osclass configuration information page

Configuration information page for Osclass

New page in backoffice has been created that describes all configuration information of your osclass, server and database. To access this page, go to "Tools > Configuration information" section:


Once you are on Configuration information page, you can browse all relevant information you need:

  • Server information - what server you are using, what is it's engine/software, PHP version, PHP memory limit, PHP maximum execution time, PHP max input vars allow url fopen, ...
  • Database information - MySql version, host, port, database name, user, prefix, ...
  • Size information - osclass instance size, oc-content / oc-includes / oc-admin folder size, ... 
  • Osclass information - shows different parameters of your osclass like version, web url, oc-admin url, if is multisite, last update check date, front end theme, backoffice theme, ...
  • Themes & Plugins information - count number of installed, enabled, disabled, not-installed plugins and themes
  • Browser information - details about your browser
  • Permissions information - check if permissions are properly set in your osclass installation