Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

New demo site for osclass plugins

It's been long time we've introduced our first demo site for plugins (plugins.abprofitrade.eu) and it was time to redesign it, bring new functionality and theme and give better user experience. So it's done and you can take a look if demo site has improved ;)

What has been done:

  • content migrated to new url: https://plugins3.abprofitrade.eu
  • demo site now runs on Starter Osclass Theme (instead of Zara)
  • there are 10 predefined user accounts for testing
  • recaptcha / validation to avoid spam
  • reduced available functionality (especially remove & save) to avoid interuption of service
  • functionality of each plugin is now presented on separate listing (listing has title of product it presents), so visitor is not confused what button belongs to what plugin
  • preloading of user / password when login to front / back office

Hope you enjoy more our new demo site and it's much simpler to navigate there and check funtionality of each plugin!
